Service Details

ToCo’s re-entry support service identifies the factors that “keep” a child from attending school and helps parents and children overcome these factors together.
Our experts will do their best to help your child return to school of his/her own volition.

Service Effects

Before: Not being able to carry on a conversation with your child

When a child is not attending school, it becomes difficult to have the conversations that are normally possible, and opportunities to spend time together in the living room and other places are reduced. As a result, the child may think alone and fall into a negative spiral of self-neglect, which may lead to prolonged non-attendance.

After: Rebuilding an appropriate parent-child relationship

Our re-entry support service addresses the factors that cause continued non-attendance, not the triggers of non-attendance. Since staying in one’s room raises the hurdle to re-attend school, we focus in particular on helping to avoid it.

Before: Time is running out for counselor consultation.

Although counselors are the most common resource for families who are not attending school, their main focus is to help the child sort out his/her feelings. Therefore, there are cases where weekly meetings are held but do not lead to school attendance, and after weeks have passed, the child’s desire to attend school becomes weaker and weaker.

After: Steady progress in re-entry to school

ToCo’s school re-entry support service is designed to help children develop independence and problem-solving skills. Families who follow our program and address the factors that are causing their children to miss school return to school in an average of two weeks.

Before: Repeated truancy

Even if a child is able to attend school by coaxing or forcing, if there is no change in the child and the family, there is a high possibility that the child will return to truancy, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has identified the recurrence of truancy as a major problem. In order for the child to stay in the kind of closed environment of school, he or she needs a foundation where he or she can feel safe and challenged.

After: Life changes and school attendance becomes the norm

The re-entry support service helps children to verbalize their anxieties and strengthens the relationship of trust with their parents, so that when new problems arise, they will have the ability to overcome them by consulting with themselves and others. This is the result of support that not only helps the child to attend school, but also fosters independence.

3 Features

1) Truancy Prevention AI + Optimal Support by Dedicated Staff


The anti-non-attendance AI is a specialized system based on a large number of cases of children who have been truant in the past, and learned about the factors and re-entry to school. Data sources include domestic and international papers.
By adding a dedicated staff of child counselors to the AI, the system provides support suited to each family.

2) Learn how to overcome stress.

Junior High school Student

We or the parents do not remove the stress that is leading to truancy. Even if the stress seems to be gone, if the child does not change himself/herself, he/she may be frustrated by other stresses.
Our re-entry support service provides help for children to overcome stress and move forward with confidence in an unstable social environment.

3) Rebuild healthy lifestyle habits and parent-child relationships


Data shows that the majority of children who are out of school have impaired proper attachment formation between parents and children. This leads to children not having a place in the home or not feeling a sense of trust with their parents.
Attachment formation is not just about getting along. It is a process that is necessary for the home to become a safe base for the child to feel secure and enjoy the outside environment of school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there a medical basis for your truancy prevention and re-entry services?

Yes, our truancy prevention AI is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and is supervised by a child counselor and a clinical psychologist. We regularly receive feedback from school staff and make updates to the system.

Q. Can not I just watch my child until he tries to go to school on his own?

If you do not change your child’s behavior or environment, he or she will continue with the status quo and thought patterns will not change easily.
Unfortunately, some families are advised to “wait until the child is feeling positive” and continue to stay away from school for years.

Q. Can this service be effective even though the cause of non-attendance has not been elicited?

Yes, this service is effective because it addresses the cause of continued truancy, not the cause of the truancy.
In some cases, even though school relationships or studies may be the trigger, there may be other causes for continued non-attendance.

One of the most common characteristics of children who continue to miss school is not that they are overwhelmed by school-related stress, but that they continue to avoid it. Our service includes support for verbalizing and overcoming stress in one’s own way.

Q. What is wrong with staying away from school?

Not attending school itself is neither wrong nor bad.
However, we believe that there is a great risk that children will not be able to experience friendship, competition, and romance with other children of the same age during their personality development period, making it difficult for them to acquire social skills.

Q. What is the reason why you can offer your services at a lower price than other companies?

Other companies provide pre-interviews and gerrymandering support, which often results in a price range of $5,000 or more, including labor and other costs. Our company does not conduct face-to-face sales activities and eliminates interviews, etc., which allows us to offer the lowest prices in the industry.

1. The child has been absent from school for a long time. 2. The child is confined to his/her room. 3. There is little conversation in the home. 4. The child is looking at his/her smartphone all the time. 5.

A team of child psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors will support the students until they return to school.


Service Fee

One set $500

* There is no additional charge.

Services Included

  • AI diagnosis of truancy factors
  • Provision of re-entry support program
  • Support in program implementation

Registration Form

*The privacy of your family will be strictly observed. Your name can be a pseudonym.
*If you have any questions, please write them in the remarks column. It is no problem to apply after receiving our response.
*Please use an email other than your cell phone email so that we can receive the results of your diagnosis and re-entry program.

    Terms of Use

    Article 1 (Application)
     Section 1 This Terms of Use Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) sets forth the terms and conditions of use of the re-entry support service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) provided by ToCo K.K. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
     All persons using the Service (“Users”) shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use.

    Article 2 (Intellectual Property Rights)
     All copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights related to the Service shall belong to the Company.
     Reproduction, duplication, distribution, modification, sale, or use for any other purpose, in whole or in part, of the contents of this service without permission is prohibited.
     In the event that unauthorized reproduction is discovered, the Company reserves the right to demand that the user immediately cease the act and to claim compensation for damages caused by the act. In this case, the amount of damages may include attorney’s fees, investigation costs, lost profits, and other expenses.

    Article 3 (Disclaimer)
     Paragraph 1. The Service is created for the purpose of helping children who are truant from school re-enter school, but does not guarantee re-entry to school for all users.
     We shall not be liable for any damages incurred through the use of this service.
     Paragraph 3 When utilizing the Service, the Company recommends that users seek professional guidance from doctors, counselors, educational institutions, and other professionals as necessary.

    Article 4 (Prohibited Matters)
    In using the Service, Users shall not engage in any of the following acts.
     Paragraph 1. Disclose the contents of the Service to a third party without permission.
     Use the contents of the Service for commercial purposes.
     Paragraph 3: Acts of using the Service contrary to the purpose or objectives of the Service.

    Article 5 (Change or Suspension)
     Paragraph 1: The Company may change, add, or discontinue the contents of the Service or the method of providing the Service without prior notice.
     Paragraph 2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users as a result of changes to or suspension of the Service.

    Article 6 (Revision of Terms)
     The Company may revise the Terms of Service as necessary. The revised Terms shall take effect from the time the Company presents the revised Terms on its website or in notices, etc. regarding the Service.

    Article 7 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
     Section 1: The Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
     The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any disputes arising in connection with the Service.

    Date of enactment: January 1, 2024
    Operated by: ToCo, Inc.