4 Risk factors for truancy: (2) frequent absences from school

My name is Fujiwara, a child psychologist who works on the issues of truancy and withdrawal from school. I am currently working as an advisor for ToCo, Inc. to help children return to school again by approaching the factors that cause continued truancy.

In this article, I will discuss in detail the second of the “four risks you should know about to prevent truancy”: “experiencing frequent absences from school”.

Rather than viewing truancy as a mere “event,” a calm understanding of the mental dynamics and environmental factors behind it will help prevent truancy from occurring.


Psychological impact of “past absences”

When people are faced with a situation where they are the only one taking a long break, for whatever reason, they are more likely to feel anxious and lonely. This is true for adults as well, but for young children, the emotional impact of such experiences is immeasurable.

For example, even if the reason for a long absence from school is illness or injury, children are likely to feel that they have been cheated out of school and that they are no longer “normal” like other children. When they return to school, they are often overly concerned about the reactions of those around them. This sense of insecurity leads to the fear of “what if the situation happens again?

On the other hand, if the direct cause of truancy is relationship problems or maladjustment to school life, the option of “not going to school” may take stronger root in the mind. This option may have been an “emergency measure” for the individual at first, but once he or she feels that it has worked, he or she will easily choose the same path the next time around.

These psychological moves are not necessarily conscious for the child. Rather, they are unconscious, and in most cases, past experiences influence current behavior. Therefore, the risk of “having a history of past absences” is an important clue to understanding the inner tendencies of the child.

Specific challenges once you have been out of school

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is, “How will my extended absence affect my school life afterwards?” One of the most common questions we receive is, “How does an extended absence affect the rest of a child’s school life? In many cases, children regain confidence after successfully returning to school. It is important to note, however, that this does not completely “reset” the past truancy experience.

Children who have experienced truancy tend to readily consider the option of “not going to school” when faced with a difficult situation again. This is related to a psychological mechanism. When humans are stressed, they have a tendency to unconsciously repeat actions they have taken in the past. For example, people who relieve their anxiety by shouting are likely to do the same thing the next time. Similarly, children who have the option of “missing school” ingrained in their minds even once are more likely to take the same steps in subsequent years.

This tendency is especially noticeable when transitioning from elementary school to a new environment, such as middle school and then high school. Because of the need to adapt with each change in environment, past experiences of truancy can easily trigger anxiety that the next time may be the same. This is one of the reasons why children who have been away from school tend to stumble in new environments.

Specific measures that families and schools can take

So how can you support a child with a “history of past absences”? Here are some specific steps that can be taken at home and at school.

  1. at home

The first thing a mother should do is to create an environment in which the child feels “safe. For example, the following efforts are effective

Make it a habit to talk to your child in a positive manner.
Instead of threatening, “If you don’t go to school, you will be in trouble in the future,” it is important to convey a positive message such as, “Absenteeism is not a bad thing, but how you return is important.”

Discuss past absences
By taking the opportunity to reflect on why your child was absent in the past and how he or she felt at the time, you can think together about what to do the next time the same situation arises.

Communicate an attitude of not being afraid of failure.
It is also effective to convey the idea that “failure is part of growing up” so that the child does not excessively fear failure in school life.

  1. response at the school

On the other hand, schools are also expected to take past absences into consideration.

Make a plan to support the return of the child to school.
For example, a flexible schedule could be established to allow children to gradually increase the number of days they attend school after a long absence.

Homeroom teacher support system
It is important for the homeroom teacher to have a firm grasp of the child’s past absences and home environment, and to actively follow up with the child upon his/her return.

Encourage classmates’ understanding
Educating surrounding students to foster an attitude of acceptance of the returning child is also essential in supporting the child’s return to school.


For a child at risk of “experiencing a high level of absenteeism,” the most important thing is a support system of cooperation between home and school. Truancy is not a bad thing, but efforts must be made to properly understand the experience and to make the most of it for the future. By providing an environment where families can be close to their children and allow them to move forward at their own pace with peace of mind, a path to overcoming the problem of truancy can be found.

KeywordsKey PointsNecessary Actions
A history of frequent absences from schoolChildren with a history of prolonged absences are more likely to choose not to attend school. Taking a break is often rooted in the mind as a “doable option.Share past experiences of absence with the school and follow up carefully upon return. Continue to support the child in gradually adjusting to school life.
Effects of Absences on the MindLong-term absence from school reinforces the perception that “it is easy to miss school again,” and creates a psychological state that makes it easier to choose not to go back to school.Do not deny past experiences of absence, but look back with the child on how he or she overcame them and use them as positive experiences.
Risk of a chain of absenteeism experiencesBecause the psychological hurdle to absence is lowered, there is a tendency for repeated absences to occur more easily.Even when absences continue, encourage the child to maintain the rhythm of daily life and prepare for the resumption of school attendance.
Importance of Sharing Information with the SchoolIf the student has experienced absences, sharing information with the homeroom teacher and support staff will enable detailed follow-up.Through interviews and phone calls before resuming school, prepare the child to return to school with peace of mind.
Creating an environment that provides a sense of securityWhen a child returns to school after an extended absence, it is important to create an environment that provides a sense of security.Give consideration to friendships and classroom activities, starting with short periods of time and gradually extending the length of time the child spends at school.

4 Risk factors for truancy: (1) Insufficient Sleep
4 Risk factors for truancy: (2) frequent absences from school
4 Risk factors for truancy: (3) Siblings who are truant
4 Risk factors for truancy: (4) Hypersensitivity to surroundings (HSP)

About us

We at ToCo provide a service that helps students to re-enter school in an average of 15 days. Based on our representative’s own experience, we launched this service in order to solve the difficulties that families struggling with truancy face in dealing with the problem and the tendency for school attendance to become intermittent.
Some of you may also be puzzled by the recent truancy services that charge hundreds of thousands of yen. Our service continues to offer the lowest price in the industry, while demonstrating through our track record that cost and effectiveness are not proportional. Please take a look at our service details.